About Me

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Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Who says you have to follow some kind of guidelines in life... On the advice of a great friend, this blog has been created. Seems, some people find my stories, life, and antics very amusing and comical. I'm not sure I would always agree with them, but I am putting it out there for you to decide on your own... About me: I'm a single mom of 2 amazing boys. My life is pure chaos, organized chaos, and somehow works for me. I'm not always sure how I make it work, but it does and gets us through each day, happy to face the next. Sounds a little crazy, and maybe it is, but it's our life. Our chaotic life...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Makes Me Wonder...

I have to wonder what is wrong with some people?  What makes some people think that it's ok to act like idiots?  Do people's feelings not count anymore, and what gives you the right to just dump on someone because you can?  I have definitely met my share of idiots, and put up my own share of dumping, but why?  Who says you have to put up with it?  When did being nice to people not matter any more?  I know it's somewhat childish, but there is something to be said about the sayings "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all", and "why can't we all just get along?" Life isn't always rosey, there are people that will always push your limits, people that will make you madder than you ever thought possible, but when did it become ok to treat them like crap?  Whether it's your sibling, parent, child, friend, acquaintance or a stranger on the street, everyone deserves respect and to be treated like a person...  Think about it... Understand it... Be it...

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