About Me

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Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Who says you have to follow some kind of guidelines in life... On the advice of a great friend, this blog has been created. Seems, some people find my stories, life, and antics very amusing and comical. I'm not sure I would always agree with them, but I am putting it out there for you to decide on your own... About me: I'm a single mom of 2 amazing boys. My life is pure chaos, organized chaos, and somehow works for me. I'm not always sure how I make it work, but it does and gets us through each day, happy to face the next. Sounds a little crazy, and maybe it is, but it's our life. Our chaotic life...

Friday, December 31, 2010

Good Friends! Great Friends!

Today I was told that I was an amazing person.  I don't know if I would consider myself "amazing", but it made me realize that I truly have a great group of people in my life that I can honestly call friends...  Unfortunately, I don't get to see them very often, but still, who says you have to see people often for them to be an important part of your life?  Not me, that's for sure! 

I don't know what society considers the definition of a friend...

My definition:  it doesn't have to be spending a lot of time with them, although that can be TONS of good times... it's just someone that you can talk to, and someone who will listen right back...it's someone who you know has your back, even if they never have to have it... it's someone who you can say nothing to, but yet say everything, sometimes even without words... it's a shoulder to cry on or a face to laugh with... it's someone who never judges you, but yet isn't afraid to tell you how it really is, and occasionally even tell you to shut up!  There are so many other things that a friend is...

I hope ending 2010 that I have been this for you, and moving into 2011 that I will be this for you... 

To all my "friends", you are all amazing!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Cold Day in Hell!

Well, today was a cold day in hell, literally... It snowed in Phoenix, yes snowed.  Freakishly awesome, although other then the snow topped mountains surrounding the city, I didn't see it falling myself, seems I am always in the wrong spot at the wrong time.  Story of my life really...

So, there's a homeless guy living in the bushes at work... I have seen him go in and out the past few days... today my headlights shined directly into his home, box, home, whatever... I kinda feel bad, considering it is so cold outside.  I toyed with the idea of whether or not to leave some blankets and some food by the box, but I'm not working tomorrow, so I won't be over in that area.  I really hope I don't return on Monday to find a dead homeless guy in the bushes, that would really be gross.  I hope his sleeping bag keeps him warm.

I have so many friends that are going through so much right now, and they are all in other states.  This tears at my heart because I cannot be there for them, other than just a ear to listen.  Why is it when you need someone the most, they are always so far away?  I know myself, after the last year and all the struggles I've gone through, sometimes a friend is the one thing you need the most. 

I really hope that 2011 is a better year for everyone.  My hope is that the bad, struggles, and feelings of hopelessness go out with 2010 and a new, happy, year of hope is upon us, because who says you have to live with hopelessness, and that you don't deserve something better?  My new years wish is that everyone gets what they dream for, hope for, and desire, and that you always know that there is someone beside you, guiding you, holding your hand, even if you can't see them or feel them.   They are there.   I am there.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Today Was A Great Day!

Today was a great day!  It was my son's 15th birthday.  I can't believe he is 15 already... seems like he was just this sweet little innocent child and now he's growing into this nice, responsible young man... How in the world did this happen?  It's be a long rocky road, filled with a lot of ups and downs along the way.  Being a single parent surely has it's share of stress, but having these 2 amazing boys in my life is worth all the chaos and stress that can come my way.

Today I picked Seth up for lunch.  He wanted sushi, yuck!  Actually, I use to eat sushi all the time, until one time I got food poisoning, and never again since!  I have tried, boy have a tried, but I just can't get passed it.  I'm sure it's just a mental thing, but it's strong enough to keep me from trying again.  But, it was what he wanted, so that's what he got, and he enjoyed every minute of it!  Then we went shopping, so he could spend his birthday money.  Of course, being a 15 year old boy, he bought himself a new skateboard, a webcam and some stuff for his computer.  Finished the night off with dinner with my dad, which is always the perfect ending to a perfect day.  I love him so!

For a perfect day, it's raining, which in my book, is perfect!  I love the rain, and sad that it only rains here just a couple of days a year.  Looking forward to the "snow flurries" they are calling for tomorrow, although I'm not holding my breath... This is Phoenix after all, land of heat and hell, LOL!

So, to completely end the night, I am finishing up on the computer, watching some tv, and calling it an early night, because who says you have to stay up to an "adult" bedtime, I completely think that 8:30pm is a perfect and acceptable time to go to sleep!  On that note, goodnight and until next time...

Monday, December 27, 2010

Untitled... for now...

Well, I don't really have much to say, which is quite the unusual thing because I always have a lot to say.  Today was a blah day really.  Didn't sleep well last night, could be contributed to the multi-hour nap I took earlier in the day, or maybe it was the two 30lb dogs who somehow always manage to sausage me in... still deciding which I want to blame more... Work was work, quiet.  No school because we're still on break for another week, thank goodness.  I did manage to score some awesome deals at my FAV place to shop- Old Navy.  Old Navy is my best friend (and my bank account and closet can testify to that).  But that ends the excitement for my day.  Told ya, blah.  I think the lack of sleep (I looked at the clock at 11, 11:30, 12:30, 2:30 and finally the alarm went off at 4:30) and the blah feeling have worked it's way deep into my core, and are winning the battle of consciousness...  High point, might snow in Phx on Thursday, how cool is that.  Anyway, that's about all I have to say for now, and who says you have to have something to say all the time, right?

Sunday, December 26, 2010


I think I need a Facebook intervention...I spend way too much time on here, I think I need to stop, but who says you have to?  Not me. 

Couch & PJ's won!

Well, the couch and pj's won today.  I feel like such a slob, but I guess it's needed every once in a while.  Add into the slob-theme, ordered pizza in.  Thank goodness that Barro's Pizza has Gluten Free pizza... yes GF pizza... My allergy to wheat and gluten has created a huge thorn in my side, but the alternative is worth it- Not being sick!

I think my children are here... I hear them every once in a while, I've seen them in passing... Oh the joys of having 2 teenage boys...

Guess my slob routine will continue for the rest of the night... back to work tomorrow.  It's another short week, but yet seems so long...One more week on vacation from school, and then the crazy schedule begins again... crap!  It's almost over, thank goodness.  Oh the stress!
Free Photo and Video by myphotoalbum.com

Control Freak!

So, on the advice from several friends, this blog has been created.  Seems I always have something to say, and it's not always politically correct and sometimes is downright rude, but it's my life, and who says you always have to follow the rules?

One of my greatest flaws is the fact that I am a control freak!  I admit it, I'm not afraid :)

Although a flaw, it's also a good thing. My life has not followed the "seemingly perfect life" I always envisioned for myself... I'm a single mom, with 2 amazing boys, and being a control freak helps me manage from day to day and stay on track. My life is never boring, as it is always one thing or another that seems to step in and screw everything up, so having control keeps me on track and get through those outside influences that drive me CRAZY!

Today is an indecisive day... which is not normal for me...  I want to get out of the house, but don't really want to leave... I want to go shopping and buy some clothes, but don't want to brave the "after Christmas" crowds (I hate crowds of people)...  I want to get dressed and be around other people, but don't want to get out of my pj's...  See, indecisive I know, but who says you have to be decisive every day?  I DO!  Ha!  So, what do I do?  Currently, the pj's and lounging on the couch is winning...