About Me

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Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Who says you have to follow some kind of guidelines in life... On the advice of a great friend, this blog has been created. Seems, some people find my stories, life, and antics very amusing and comical. I'm not sure I would always agree with them, but I am putting it out there for you to decide on your own... About me: I'm a single mom of 2 amazing boys. My life is pure chaos, organized chaos, and somehow works for me. I'm not always sure how I make it work, but it does and gets us through each day, happy to face the next. Sounds a little crazy, and maybe it is, but it's our life. Our chaotic life...

Thursday, April 28, 2011


We all have those days where our possibilities seem hopeless. We get caught up in life's daily struggles and lose sight of ourselves, who we are, what we have and where we are going.

One of my favorite people is Maya Angelou.  Her words and quotes are so empowering and really make you stop and think about how you view life and it's possibilities.  One of my favorite quotes of hers is "Each of us has that right, that possibility, to invent ourselves daily.  If a person does not invent herself, she will be invented.  So, to be bodacious enough to invent ourselves is wise."

We really do invent ourselves each day.  Today we are not the same person we were yesterday, nor tomorrow will we be the same as we were today.  Each day sets us on a path, maybe not always going in the direction that we thought we would or hoped, but this path defines who we are at that moment.  If we lose sight of our possibilities for today, how can we expect that we won't lose focus on our possibilities for tomorrow?  And if each day we don't invent ourselves, then we leave it in the hands of others to invent us.  Is that really what we want?  Inventing yourself doesn't have to be a conscious decision, something you think about.  It's about believing in yourself, believing that you are special.  Believing that it's your right to be who you are, not what other people expect you to be.  Believing that your possibilities are endless. Believing to believe, to always want, to always strive, to always invent yourself into the person you want to be.

So, "Each of us has that right, that possibility, to invent ourselves daily.  If a person does not invent herself, she will be invented.  So, to be bodacious enough to invent ourselves is wise."

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mostly Good Days...

Good days, bad days.  We all have our share of both.  I would have to say I have mostly good days.  Sometimes, that darn bad day creeps up on me, although not welcomed with open arms.  Today is one of those bad days.  Probably triggered by the massive migraine I have had since this morning, which by the way, has NOT gone away, although somewhat easing off and "tolerable" (or as tolerable as a migraine can be (chock it up to good drugs still working their magic)).  Why am I not asleep??? Dogs, phones, computers, kids, neighbors, you name it, it's kept me awake!  Which if anyone knows migraine drugs, is not an easy thing to do, stay awake!

So this migraine, which has triggered my bad day, has really triggered other emotions.  Emotions I really don't want to deal with today.  So now, I'm an emotional mess, missing what seems to be everyone!  Why is it that the people that you want the most are always so far away?  Ok, they are not really that far away, just a phone call, email, or text away.  But I can't see them at this moment!  And, now is when I need to see them most... (warning, emotional mess coming up!)

I'm missing my best friend!  The one person that I can talk to about anything, who has definitely seen me at my best, and my worst, who has listened to me cry and laugh and has been there for everything else since I moved to this hell hole...  I know Reno is just a short flight away, but right now it's just too far away...

I need my girl Robin!  Who is 20 minutes down the road, but who I never get to see anymore... My friend... who I swear we are the same person inside, just in different bodies... Who has been there from the beginning and end of my "past life" and now the beginning and end of "my new life"... We have had our ups and downs, but she is my girl...

Missing everyone else in-between.  You know who you are.  Don't have to say it.

Most of all, I'm missing the one person I can't see! Or talk to!  Or listen to!  Ok, emotional mess in full swing... sparing you all... will return shortly...

So, migraine go away.  Not welcome any more. Being kicked.  Bad days no longer.  Pulling myself back together.  On with GOOD DAYS! 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Life Is Good!

Life is good!  I know I've said it a bunch of times, but it really is.  Sure, there will always be things missing, things that could be tweaked, things in my way, but they are things, and things can be changed.   It's really all just your perception on how you move toward or away from those things.  Positive attitude is everything!  Of course, it can't actually change anything, but can change how you look at it, and that is they key.

I may not have the greatest job, but I love the people I work with.  I may not live in the nicest place, but it's not a cardboard box hidden in the bushes.  I may not have a lot of money, but I have enough that we have the things that we need (and a little of what we want).  I may not be a supermodel with a perfect body, but I am perfect, perfect for me.  I may not be where I want to be, but that is just a matter of packing up and getting there.  All these things are perceptions, my perceptions; work, home, money, looks, and location are all things that can be tweaked, adjusted and changed.

Who says you have to accept things as they are?  We are constantly changing, and change is good. The ride along the way may be a bumpy one. Things may not always go in the direction you thought they would.  They may not make a lot of sense, yet.  They may look you directly in the face and make you ask why?  They may look completely impossible.  Perception; bumpy eventually turns into smooth, direction gets you where you're going, sense makes you want it even more, why makes the sense make more sense and impossible is never really impossible.

My Life is Good! 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

As They Come...

Life certainly hasn't dealt me the cards that I expected it would.  Regardless, I've learned to make the best of things, as they come.  Sometimes good, sometimes bad, they are obviously lessons I was meant to learn.  I've realized that there doesn't always need to be a plan.  For those who know me planning is something that I have always done.  With planning comes the pressure to succeed, and if I didn't succeed, in my own eyes I was a failure.  But looking back, I really wasn't a failure, things just took a different path, and I can say now that was ok.  I am learning to look past the "plan" and just go with it.  Just going with it has certainly led me in some interesting directions recently...  I certainly don't know how things will end up, and what kind of experiences I'll be faced with and I'm ok with that, because I am enjoying this little place called the unknown.

The unknown... certainly a very scary place for me, but also someplace that I'm learning to kind of enjoy.  Is this the start of new things to come?  So far, I've seen good things in the unknown, so I'm willing to give it a shot, take it as it comes, and enjoy every minute of it.  Makes me wonder how many things have I missed out on by not just going with it?  So for now, I'm letting it ride.  Seeing how far it can go.  Wondering what other good things are in that place that I never really ventured to go...  Want to take this ride with me, into the unknown?  So, let's go...