About Me

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Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Who says you have to follow some kind of guidelines in life... On the advice of a great friend, this blog has been created. Seems, some people find my stories, life, and antics very amusing and comical. I'm not sure I would always agree with them, but I am putting it out there for you to decide on your own... About me: I'm a single mom of 2 amazing boys. My life is pure chaos, organized chaos, and somehow works for me. I'm not always sure how I make it work, but it does and gets us through each day, happy to face the next. Sounds a little crazy, and maybe it is, but it's our life. Our chaotic life...

Thursday, February 17, 2011


When I previously said I didn't have a lot to say, I didn't really mean I had NOTHING to say for almost 2+ weeks... what in the world has come over me?  I didn't disappear for any reason other than things have been crazy busy, trying to finish up at work, train a new person, finish up at school (Yes, 4 class days left) and get everything together to go on externship.

Is being crazy busy a reason to disappear?  It's not like formulating my thoughts is really time consuming... Ok, I have a million thoughts going through my head at any given time, but really, how many of them actually make way to the surface and out of my mouth (or fingers in this case)?  Maybe it's just laziness on my part, after all, I suppose I have the right to be lazy occasionally.  Who says you always have to be moving, thinking or doing something?  I really wish laziness would appear in my life more often than it does, but we don't always get what we wish for, right?

Chaos is definitely in full swing!  I am ready to end this week and see what the next several days holds for me.  Hopefully the weather will hold out at least for a while this weekend so my weekends plans don't end up "all wet" (Ha, I crack myself up!)!  I am ready for some me time, which at this time includes some drag racing, a hair appointment with the Fabulous Saskia, some baking and who knows what else.  Maybe a date?  Yes, a date?  I know words I always thought would never venture from my mouth again.  Am I ready for this?  I'm still not entirely sure.  I am still regularly forced back to the past, like it or not.  I wish it would disappear (yes, back to that wonderful word disappear), but we can't exactly take back the past now can we?  Am I ready to begin that part of my life in the present and future?  I guess time will tell.  I'll keep ya posted!

Ok, well, here we are again... back to lack of words.  On that note, we'll save the rest for later.  I'm sure I'll have a lot to say, I always do.  See, I just did!  :)

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