About Me

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Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Who says you have to follow some kind of guidelines in life... On the advice of a great friend, this blog has been created. Seems, some people find my stories, life, and antics very amusing and comical. I'm not sure I would always agree with them, but I am putting it out there for you to decide on your own... About me: I'm a single mom of 2 amazing boys. My life is pure chaos, organized chaos, and somehow works for me. I'm not always sure how I make it work, but it does and gets us through each day, happy to face the next. Sounds a little crazy, and maybe it is, but it's our life. Our chaotic life...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Tick, Tock

Tick, Tock... This thing called time. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  It's this never ending thing that we all have.  Ok, we have this never ending thing, but realistically we only have so much "live" time out of it.  Work, kids, family, friends all take little pieces and use them, and what are we left with?  We are left with precious moments that we need to take full advantage of.

In the end, is it really going to matter if that last load of laundry is done, or if you want that extra hour of sleep.  What are you missing out on?  Who are you missing out on?  Eventually there will come a day that our time will end.  Will you be happy at that moment that you did everything you could and gave everything you could, or will you be sad that you let time get in the way?

I am always hearing people say I don't have time, I'm tired, I have too much to do, I can't... Yes, you do!  Yes, you can!  Grab those moments that you have that are left and use them. Don't let them slip away. Go for what you want.  Do those things that you want to do.  See those people that you want to see.  Don't let the little things get in the way and prevent you from these opportunities that you may be letting slide out from under you.

It's the little things, the little things that are so insignificant to other people, but mean everything to you.  These little things that can be as simple as watching a movie with your kids, looking at lightning bugs in the backyard, going for ice-cream late at night, a quiet dinner with someone special or just having a simple chat.  These things are precious and can never be taken for granted and only take a small piece out of your day, but can mean such a big thing to someone.

Isn't it funny how something so small can really be so big?  It can mean the difference in questioning how someone feels and knowing how they feel.  It can be a happy moment to a rather unhappy day.  It can take a frown and turn it into a smile.  Nothing big, just something little that seems so BIG!

So, what are you waiting for?  Take those moments.  Use them.  Tell someone how you feel.  Ask that person out that you never thought you could.  Watch that movie.  Look at bugs. Eat that ice-cream.  Go to dinner.  Have that chat.  It could mean the world to someone that you took a little time out of your day for them.  That you took advantage of the moment.  That you didn't let time get in the way of what you want.

Tick, Tock.  Tick, Tock.  After all, it's nothing but time...

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